State Institute of Science Education Jabalpur is one of the prominent Institute in Madhya pradesh is running under Rajaya shiksha kendra (State Council of Educational Research and Training) M.P. Bhopal. This institute is working in the field of popularization of Science and Mathematics Education since last 40 years. It was established vide the order of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India New Delhi for qualitative improvement in Science and mathematics education in the state.

Our institute provides opportunities for the growth of student and teachers it conducts Senior & Junior science Olympiad and international mathematics Olympiad (HBCSE Mumbai) which provide a wide base for the student application of knowledge gained in their schools. Students are motivated by providing scholarship i.e. the mission our institute is to "clearing the perception about science" through various projects of MPCST like innovative science teacher award, western India science fair Sr & Jr state level science Olympiad, State level science level seminar etc.

Director Message

Shraddha Pathak

Notice Board

विज्ञान नाटिका 2023-24 से सम्बंधित सूचना पत्र।
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संशोधित पत्र सेमिनार 2023
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National Science Seminar आयोजन विवरण पत्रक
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कोविद 19 से उत्पन्न परिस्थिति में छात्राध्यापकों की मासिक उपस्थिति विषयक सूचना।
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सत्र 2020 -21 हेतु बी.एड. (विज्ञान) प्रवेश सूचि (स्कूल शिक्षा/ आदिम जाती कल्याण विभाग ) |
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एम.एड. (विज्ञान) प्रवेश द्वितीय सूचि (स्कूल शिक्षा /आदिवासी विकास विभाग ) 2020-22
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सत्र 2020-22 एम.एड. विज्ञान (स्कूल शिक्षा विभाग ) प्रवेश सूचि।
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सत्र 2020-22 एम.एड. विज्ञान (आदिवासी विकास विभाग ) प्रवेश सूचि।
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वर्ष 2020 -21 में एम. एड. (विज्ञान) में प्रवेश विषयक निर्देश।
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शासकीय एवं अशासकीय स्कूलों की समस्त आंतरिक परीक्षाएं स्थगित।
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